Hi, I’m creating an RPG website out of PHP and I was wondering how you can connect to PHP using Flash and Actionscript.
As you can see, I’m not at all very experienced in flash and I need your help. In my website, there is an option where you can buy clothes for your avatar, and I’ve been trying to create a flash object showing an avatar and its clothes depending on what kind of clothes the user bought and put on for it from the “closet”. Where do I hold all the clothes and what actionscript code do I need to place this clothing on a certain x and y coordinate position when a user on the website dresses up the avatar? I’ve noticed that it’s a lot similar to Marupets.com’s flash avatars.
If anybody here is experienced with PHP, Mysql, and Flash/Actionscript, and can help solve my problem, I will be willing to give them tremendous credit. Thanks!