Hey guys,
Im totally new to this site, but i have found this cool site called www.roygbivlab.com
we have obscenely high standards here, abej26, lol
welcome, by the way!
We’ve been had.
^ nice link in your footer there zao. Net nutrality now!
Cheers mate!
Is this somehow spam or is he serious?
[QUOTE=w1sh;2335070]Is this somehow spam or is he serious?[/QUOTE]
No im serious. I know it doesnt look like much but one of my friends submitted their designs to the site and now those designs are being tested at national retailers like target. I even went to one and found the t-shirt she designed. I wish i could draw so that i could enter but i cant so i though i would share it anyway.
I think this forum is titled “kool sites” not “kool contests.” Tables and font tags, oh my!
site is just fine…