Axonometric transformation(3D to Isometric)

I’m trying to convert this old code of mine here to proper Axonometric transformation so that I can get proper isometric particle effects in ND2D…

Quite funny how I hacked that together as an experiment years ago…

Here is the code I am trying to convert below… Halfway done! It was originally C++ or Java or something I think… Ummm… This is odd… Why does flash not have a Point3D class? I could have sworn it had a Point3D class… Found one… Casalib has a Point3D class that should work nicely!

Also, it implemented something else “class implements Axonometric_transformer_i”… It doesn’t look like anything is missing… I have no idea what maintaining the z axis ratio means either… Meh…

Edit: Ok… Should be ready to roll… Don’t think I made any mistakes!

package Michael {
    import org.casalib.math.geom.Point3d;

    public class isoTransformer {
        static var axonometricAxesProjection:Boolean=false;
        static var maintainAxisRatioZ:Boolean=false;
        static var Ratio:Number=2;
        static var axialProjection:Number=Math.cos(Math.atan(0.5));

        public function isoTransformer():void {

        public static function screenToDisplay(screenPoint:Point3d):Point3d {
            var z:Number=screenPoint.z;
            var y:Number=screenPoint.y-screenPoint.x/Ratio+screenPoint.z;
            var x:Number=screenPoint.x/Ratio+screenPoint.y+screenPoint.z;

            if (! axonometricAxesProjection&&maintainAxisRatioZ) {

            if (axonometricAxesProjection) {
            return new Point3d(x,y,z);

        public static function displayToScreen(displayPoint:Point3d):Point3d {
            if (! axonometricAxesProjection&&maintainAxisRatioZ) {

            if (axonometricAxesProjection) {

            var z:Number=displayPoint.z;
            var y:Number=displayPoint.x+displayPoint.y/Ratio-displayPoint.z;
            var x:Number=displayPoint.x-displayPoint.y;

            return new Point3d(x,y,z);