B tag in html text not working

hi friends,
i have dynamically loaded multiple line text. in txt file only the first line is having bold tag then there is a br tag.
here the br tag works fine but the text between bold tag disappears.

can anyone suggest me a solution ?

Note : text is rendered as html

Could you post the .fla please? :slight_smile:

and the text file :stuck_out_tongue:

hello friends,
thanks for your response. i found the solution myself. actually i have to select the bold option from flash program itself. which embeded the bold fonts too. and the problem is solved. but the file size heavy, as its embeding the regular and the bold fonts both.

anyone knows the more efficient way ?

thanks again

hmm… I’m sure you shouldn’t have to do that… but I always have problem with dynamic/html text… can’t remember if I ever actually got it working properly… I’m sure I did…


You actually do have to embed everything to get the bold text or itialic text. I don’t know if it would work, but try using a system font that everyone has. It isn’t as fun, but I think your file size would go down. Use like Ariel, Times New Roman, or my favorite Trebuchet MS. Also, if you are using a complex font, it’s going to eat up more space.

Actually, when embedding font outline, flash doesnt always embed bold and italic… so if u want to use those styles on your txt file, here’s a trick.
Just make a simple dynamic text on your swf, write something using bold/italic (whichever you need, or both), set the color font the same as your background, uncheck selectable option and embed the font.

By doing dat, this little text will be invisible and you’ll be able to use both bold and italics on ur txt file.


Right…but it would still embed the font outlines for all three styles making the file size bigger, true?

Yes, my advice is only embed the styles u really need, because the file size will triplicate if u embed regular/bold/italic.

Okay, I thought I said something wrong…:crazy:

i think all you have to do is

html = true ;

when you load your textfile, i never have a problem, but then again im just the coolest guy in town :slight_smile: lol

Must be a small town…(heeheehee)

*Originally posted by Freddythunder *
**Must be a small town…(heeheehee) **

lmao :slight_smile: