Dynamic .txt file with simple HTML formatting?

Ok… I have a dynamic text box. Fonts embedded, using the flash mx scrollbar component, the dynamic text box’s instance name is “scroller”.

The actionscript code I am using is as follows…

loadVarsText = new loadVars();
loadVarsText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
trace(“done loading”);
scroller.html = true;
scroller.htmlText = this.var1;
} else {
trace(“not loaded”);

And… my news.txt file starts with var1=

Everything loads/works fine UNTIL I try using html tags in my news.txt file. The one I need to use is the <b></b> bold tag and the font color tags. When I put text inbetween the html tags, nothing shows up. Under my Dynamic Text box properties, the button with <> enabling HTML formatting is selected…

absolutely stumped!


I can’t see anything wrong with your code. Can you post your txt file? I know with color tags, the only way it will work (for me anyhow) is if you use hex, if you don’t, the text will disappear. For instance, instead of:

<font color="LIME"></font>

you need to use this:

<font color="#00FF00"></font>

Maybe that’s it?

my news.txt file is as follows…

var1=This is a test. <b> please bold this text </b>

That pumps out just the “This is a test.” and completely ignores the bold text. I even tried using lowercase <b></b> tags but no diff.


search the forums! your answer is already there!

there guys, i joined the search the forums bandwagon

I just did a search and couldn’t find anything close. Either way, your tags were used in the post, but obviously it worked. All I can say is double check everything, maybe try doing it over.

Prstudio - do you know of a thread to explain this? I couldn’t find one.

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**search the forums! your answer is already there!

there guys, i joined the search the forums bandwagon **

actually I did search, tried out a few things but nothing…


Although u embedded the font, Flash doesnt include bold and italic automatically. Thats y bold and italic tags may not work.
To solve dis problem, create an text box using the same font u want, using bold, italic and regular style. Embeed the font.
Just in case u dont know, if you embed the font in one text field, all text fields in the movie can use it.

**Keep in mind dat embedding the bold and italic style will triplicate the file size. So only embed bold and italic if u really need to use them. **

There it is.

Or, I think, you can use system fonts that won’t need embedding like one of my favorites, trebuchet MS, or ariel, or sans fonts. They aren’t as fun, but they’ll work.

HTML tags suported by Flash:[AS]<a href=“url”>
<font [color="#xxxxxx"] [face=“Type Face”] [size=“Type Size”]>
<p [align=“left”|“right”|“center”]>

there’s a technote about that, claudio. :wink:


Thx Kax =)

Actually i did take dat from the tech note and posted here… i think sometimes ppl are kinda lazy to check the links :beam:

they will… as long as they are interested in solving their problems. :stuck_out_tongue:

Im attaching an example file.