Everything loads/works fine UNTIL I try using html tags in my news.txt file. The one I need to use is the <b></b> bold tag and the font color tags. When I put text inbetween the html tags, nothing shows up. Under my Dynamic Text box properties, the button with <> enabling HTML formatting is selected…
I can’t see anything wrong with your code. Can you post your txt file? I know with color tags, the only way it will work (for me anyhow) is if you use hex, if you don’t, the text will disappear. For instance, instead of:
I just did a search and couldn’t find anything close. Either way, your tags were used in the post, but obviously it worked. All I can say is double check everything, maybe try doing it over.
Prstudio - do you know of a thread to explain this? I couldn’t find one.
Although u embedded the font, Flash doesnt include bold and italic automatically. Thats y bold and italic tags may not work.
To solve dis problem, create an text box using the same font u want, using bold, italic and regular style. Embeed the font.
Just in case u dont know, if you embed the font in one text field, all text fields in the movie can use it.
**Keep in mind dat embedding the bold and italic style will triplicate the file size. So only embed bold and italic if u really need to use them. **
Or, I think, you can use system fonts that won’t need embedding like one of my favorites, trebuchet MS, or ariel, or sans fonts. They aren’t as fun, but they’ll work.