Just so you’d know, I’m back from Umbria and I brought about 540 pictures :beam:
These are a few of them, some were taken from a driving vehicule, so… =)
[size=1]On the road in Switzerland[/size] [size=1]A small waterfall in the Swiss mountains[/size] [size=1]Lugano lake at the border with Italy[/size] [size=1]Isola Maggiore, where Fransiscus of Assisi lived for six weeks[/size] [size=1]View on Todi, a small village on top of a mountain[/size] [size=1]The streets of Gubbio[/size]
I’m still unpacking and such, so only a short review:
it was incredibly hot (around 38°C)
very interesting and beautiful cultural heritage (duh :P)
[size=1]Have to be honest, I didn’t exactly go around asking all those girls if I could take their picture, and I’m not the kind of guy who sneaks up to them in the bushes with his spycam either You’ll have to take my word on it, but I’ll check those 540 pictures to see if there isn’t one visible accidentally :P[/size]
Thanks, and those are only some of them They say Poland is an uprising touristic country, and this is the perfect time to go there and be ahead of the flow :thumb:
[size=1]Hehe @ the babes thing ;)[/size]
Thanks. I shot them with my digital camera, the one I bought a year or so ago; 3.3 megapixels. Should’ve waited a bit longer, now you have 5 megapixels for the same price, but hey, I can never wait :beam:
See above, and the waterfall one was taken while driving by, so it was kinda hard to get a nice shot, but I got lucky
Haha @ the coup :lol:
…:ne: bows? :ne:
Thanks! Man, you’re so lucky, I was depressed for having to come back to lesser-warm, smelly, flat and ugly-populated Belgium
Hey that’s not fair! I just got back from Italy with 300+ pictures, movies, and panoramas and I haven’t had a chance to post any pics yet! We were only in Rome though.
Working on the webpage though and hope to have it done over the weekend.