Hi, I’m using this tutorial:
However, this does me no good unless it can grow when I resize my browser, so I tried adding this code:
resizeStage = function () {
// Tile Background
var myListener:Object = new Object();
myListener.onResize = function() {
(I modified the original tutorial to place the tiling code inside a MC called “bgTile” so it wouldn’t interfere with other movieclips on my stage)
You can see here:
I have my background opacity set to 15% and you can see that when you stretch the browser the pattern gets duplicated over and over on top of the next so that eventually the top left corner will be solid white and gradually lesser the more you go to the right. This doesn’t sound great for the processor.
Obviously, I need it to have it stay one opacity, and JUST duplicate to the right and bottom. Can anyone help??