
    <td width="649" height="400" background="C:\unzipped	opmenu4\middle.jpg">

that is my TD tags in my table but when i go to and check it this comes but

Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.

Line 70, column 44: there is no attribute “BACKGROUND” (explain…).
… width=“649” height=“400” background=“C:\unzipped opmenu4\middle.jpg”><cente
Line 74, column 73: there is no attribute “BACKGROUND” (explain…).
… cellspacing=“0” cellpadding=“0” background=“C:\unzipped opmenu4\foot.jpg”>

can anyone help me

i think that it is doing that because the background is not online and not on a server, it doesnt know where to look for it.

o ok i will try this now

thanks ALEX

ok i tried it but it does not work

thats the link (IE only) and it works fine

but go to and add that link to the validator and see what happens

i don’t understand

i want it to be ok because it looks good on your site if you have a validated mark

and ignore This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional! becoz as soon as i take the background tags away it is OK


Background images within tables, while supported to various levels by most genertation 4+ browsers, are not part of the HTML 4.0 definition. You’ll get a validation error everytime if you use the background attribute with a table.

so can i sort it out

I’ve never put much stock in code validators, if the pages work as desired in the vast majority of browsers then I’m happy. That’s why I have several different browsers installed, and why I have contacts with other browsers that can do QA for me if an issue arises.

thats a good idea but it is nice to say “look it is validated”

*Originally posted by chris9902 *
**thats a good idea but it is nice to say “look it is validated” **
Well, I’ve yet to meet a client that had the foggiest idea what that means.:flower: