Well ok, i want to back up my HD cause i am about to install a new one and well…me working near my hd gets me a little nervous. so how should i go about doin this? using what? never had to so i dont know zip…
I back up to a CD. Get a burner and some discs and you are good to go.
CDs can be a pain - you only get like 800 megs on that. I have a 80 Gig firewire drive I back up to. Its speedy and can get all my personal docs in simple one run. Granted if you’re not firewired up (you should be!) or dont have the luxury of owning such a drive, it might put you in the whole a hundred or two to be in such a position, but thats the easiest way to go IMHO. Its a good investment too… I think.
then again you might not have 10 gigs of crap like me
yes i have all that good junk. so i should just drag and drop my C drive onto there?
edit:sen i didnt see your post when i started! but i dont have a FW drive, i have a card cause i needed one for my camera but never heard of a drive… and to tell you the truth i dont want to go buy one cause that is what my new HD is for, to run all my crap. i will just try the CD, it will take a few but hey…its worth it…or maybe i will just burn a few big folders i have…
hey one more thing, jubba just like Roxio would work right?