Hey guys, I have a small problem and would like some help. I created a layer that has 10 separate text pages on it. To navigate from page to page I use an arrow with the script goto and play. Each text page spans 10 frames. when it begins playing it tweens up five frames to 100% opacity where there is a stop action. When I click the forward arrow again it sends a message to play, and then the movie advances to the next frame and the text tweens down 5 frames to 0% opacity and the next text block tweens up 5 frames to 100% where the next stop action is.
So as you can see as I advance from page to page with the arrow the text fades in, then out and back in for the next page and then out and so forth and so on.
My problem is when I click the arrow BACK I do not know how to get the fade in and out to work. I can only tell the back arrow to go to a specific frame because I don’t think I can have it play in reverse. Anyhow, I would love an answer to this quandry. I have seen it done, but I don’t know how to do it.
Thanks, but you know what, i am not sure how to do that? I can do a good bit with flash, but there is quite a bit I know nothing about and that is one of them.
targeting frame labels is similar to targeting frame numbers. What you do is click on the frame you want to target, open your properties panel and in the text filed marked “frame label” type in a name and that will be applied to the frame you clicked on. This allows you to apply an action like this to your buttons:
on (release){
“frame_label_name” of course would be what you named your frame in the properties panel. So now when you click on the button, it will go to that frame with that particular name. It’s similar to the gotoAndPlay(“2”) which goes to a frame number. Hope I didn’t confuse you. =)
not confusing at all. I understand that completly and I tried it out but I still don’t know how I can get a reverse effect by naming it with a frame label. Isn’t that pretty much the same as just sending it to a frame? So what would make it reverse the action?
several ways to do this, one would be programatically, but we wont go there,yet…
Instead I’ll give you the following food for thought…
One way.
if you do currentframe -1 it will take you the previous frame, but you would have to figure out where to stop.
Anothe way.
Copy all of your frames and paste them AFTER the end of your original and on a different layer (for clarity).
Highlight all frames and on that layer and select Reverse Frames.
Give the new reversed frames new labels.
You still have to figure out where you are on each area (current frame) to figure out where you will send them.
If you’re thinking “There must be a better way”, then you’re right. Actionscript can take care of that for you, but I would suggest you start with the way described, as you continue to improve your skills.