today, i have the worse day possiable. It all started off when my backpack broke, then my cloths where not dried. Then i was late to school. I almost pased out after gym. The button came un buttoned on my pants, my math teacher lost one of my tests, now i have to go back and make it up. Now, i did something to my left hand and i dont know what i did. I have no feeling in my left hand fingers. and it stings when i move my hand. I think it might be something kind of searous.
ive had extremely bad days… today has been pretty bad, i was late to work, and when i got here everyone was laughing at me, i was 1/2 asleep had no idea what the joke was, ive been pretty much dead all day, my phone was cut off, ive had no work… but the fact is im staying pretty positive, gotta realize that the Good Days out weigh the bad. And in time, you forget about it =)
Cheer up alex, go design something and make it cool =)
…and you found out you ruind mikes site that he has been werking on for about 6 months by releasing somewhat of the same thing before him :evil: its ok though, you beat me to it.
do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day that you would normally do at this time. just sit back, relax, watch tv, do yoga, sit in a dark room and just completely forget today. tomorrow is another day.
ohh cool cause i thought oyu were like younger, but then you said i went into werk so i was like, ahh…probly not. but i get to start high school next year so i am going to take the C++ corse! :beam:
The advange is, its Microsofts new language… and its based on JAVA, and its pretty cool, and its easier (well for me) to learn etc…
but i still think a good solid c++ is good =) but c# is just cool =)