Bad day

it all started when i woke up this morning. My parents where yellin at me to get up and get ready. i wasnt feeling to good to it took me a while to acually move. then when i get to school i find out that i forgot to bring a project in. Then i find out that a book for my class riped and now it has no cover on it. So now i am going to have to pay a huge fee. Next me and my brother got in a fight.

AHHH i hate it.:-\

I love you Alex
can I give you a hug?

runs tward the door, and only to find out that 28 is there smileing. Runs back to the back door and again only to see 28.

runs down stairs and slips, falls, and rolls into the cat box:sleep:

Alex, don’t be sad, you’re still the little brother I never wanted. :frowning:

Yes alex, i am stalking you.
BE HAPPY THO!!! I know how much school sucks at everything… i hate it as well…
im sorry
I will do virtually anything for u.
(Get it? tee-hee, virtually… like computers… and the internet… and the al go… ok im done)

Alex, be happy its just your day that is going bad. Last week was terrible for me.

My 12 year old niece tried to kill herself. My grandmother and my sister both found out they have breast cancer and need to get the tumors removed. My mother is sick again and needs surgery to remove more of her small intestine (they already took her entire large intestine).

So smile, and be happy you arent me, or anyone that is related to me.

Jubba :*(

jubba, i am really sorry to hear about what happened. i really hope everything works out for you and yours. :-\

they should be fine after their surgeries, so I’m not stressing. And the niece is grieving because her father killed himself recently. And the kids at her school are picking on her about it. So she spent a couple weeks in an institution (that incidently her brother has been living in the same place for over 3 years because he has tried to kill himself, his sisiter, his mother, and he’s only 11) and now she is on mood stabilizers… so everything should be ok.

I’m hoping… :slight_smile:

they make fun of her for attempting suicide?
thats horrible… like beyond horrible… wow…
im sorry jubba

Oh, don’t be sorry. I was just illustrating the point that “there are always others that have it worse, so take each day in stride and smile whenever you can…”

they are picking on her about her father killing himself…

He was a dirtbag, but she didn’t see his faults… so she is really upset…

thats a really good quote
i come here to get away from my retarded life and then other ppl are sad too and and and :blah:

Alex + Jubba: I gotta go do homework now, I’m sure you don’t care, but I just want u guys to know I know how much stuff sucks too and just try to enjoy what you have.

Corny…i know…
that was my rare sentimental self
(operative word being mental)

Here you go… here is a quick quote… just thought of this in my head

“When you start to worry about what the footsteps behind you look like… You’re path ahead will be filled with blind spots.” - Marz