yep they all look fag to me… But… I;ll go with the orange one to…
Don’t you have TKMaxx in Canada? They sell last season’s designer clothes (for me quiksilver, billabong and gotcha) at budget prices. For example a couple of weeks ago I got a quiksilver shirt and a billabong t-shirt for £12 (about $24 US). If I’d bought them direct from quiksilver/billabong I’d have paid £20 ($40 US) for each thing.
Anyway I don’t like any of the bags. Get a bag with shoulder straps. Way better, and you won’t look like a paper boy.
we have TXMaxx, i should check it out. thanks for the tip.
FCUK Stands for French Connection U.K.
If you know that then there isn’t as much of a “oooh what an adverterous person to where a shirt that almost says the f word.”
If you’re really into the designer labels, then go with A|X or normal Armani. They have shirts with Huge logos on them. Everyone will know you can afford a shirt at Armani Exchange. Diesel also does this alot but you can find some good clothes with smaller logos there. If you just want nice clothes but don’t need the huge logo, check out guess.
T-O… that’s a pretty off-color thing to say.
sweet…too bad theres only one canadian AX store, and its in vancouver and I am too young to buy anything of the internet so thats that. I havent seen any Armani Exchange clothes in any stores around here, only Armani suits. But we do have Diesel here, so thats good.
Comon T-O, as much as you don’t like it, other people do. That’s really a messed up thing to say.
[to’s just depressed about his g/f.]
Don’t buy FCUK then. They lost there designer appeal when every 13 to 19 year old lad started to walk the highstreet in them.
what do you reccomend me to wear then?
What happened? I know it’s none of my business but the way you say it…:P.
she left for a vacation…hes all alone.
What a great thing to say huh?
Depends. Hugo Boss, Guess (already mentioned), Paul Smith, YSL, Sweet, Gromp, DKNY. Just to name a few.
This is true… She’s on vacation… :( I’m going to see her in 2 weeks… :(
and how the hell do you know? lol!
Wait… I relised I wrote this down on my site… *slience
What the hell!! Some one actually reads my site.
Hehe, cheer up, my boyfriend’s doing some military stuff in New Brunswick until the end of summer, which means he comes home and then moves out for university again in 3 days. :td:
But it’s not the same.
When a man leaves, you woman can go do anything at 1 time. Mall, lipstick, nails whatever…
When a girl leaves…WHAT THE HELL are we gonna do? Sit around and scratch our arms?
That’s why you need to start going to the mall, getting your hair and nails done, whatever…
Says the great ladies man :sure:.