Bah! Hosting Company

My hosting companys a bunch of dkheads, I’m pretty psed about this and I think it’s time to transfer my domain.

This latest fk up from a catalogue of fk up’s is moving from a Linux to a Windows server something they mess up completley and it’s the last straw, I’m switching. I’m trying to get some clients and do some real web sites but how can I when my hosts keep doing things like this. Unreliable cowboys if I were asked to describe them.

So…anyone know a good hosting company?
Let me rephrase that…Anyone know a good reliable BRITISH hosting company?

The reason being is I’m in Britain, I wanna deal with a hosting company that not only uses pounds but will be awake if I need to call them.

Anyone know a good un?

[SIZE=1]by the way recommendation of will result in a total a$s kicking [/SIZE] :hurt: :bad: