Ball games!

I’m trying to make a flash game. Does anyone know how to create the game with rows of blocks that are destroyed when a ball is bounced against them - user has control over a block at the bottom that rebounds the ball into block above (when ball hits blocks they are destroyed)?
I was wondering if anybody knows of a good site or some tutorials on how to properly make this - i’ve tried the tutorial on flash kit but couldn’t get it to work.
Would really appreciate the help xx

The thing that you shoot out of some kinda gun or sumthin’ (a laser or a bullet…etc) should be a movieclip
and to detect if it hits something you should use this tute:

And to control the little block at the bottom you should use this tute:
just make the block move when a key is pressed (left arrow, right arrow)

The game is called akriod and I think flashkit has a tutorial. It isn’t to difficult.:slight_smile:

HAHA funny thread name “ball games”.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:P :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so tired:(

lol sintax. you post “HAHA funny thread name” like a party-animal or sumthin’ and the next line is “I’m so tired” lol :slight_smile:

Only I tired gutter mind would find some thing dirty about “ball game”

HEHEHEHEHEHE:P :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

It made me laugh again

like it’s all about the top ten posters huh?
I see that you’ve changed even the location to our position in the top10… :slight_smile:
I guess I’d have 500 posts for now if I had no school!
School takes away hundreds of posts!

Hey I’m at work all day. Do you know how hard it is to post with a boss around. It takes skill and dedication:P

lol! “IT takes skill and dedication” LOL!
You’re @ work but @ least you can post here. You’re sittin’ near a compu all day!

Ya I guess that is a perk. I’d rather be at school though. When someone tells u it’s the best time of yout life belive them. I miss school every day i waste in this crap hole office:(

Hi there –
Thanks for the suggestions – I’ve had a go.
I have got the ball bouncing randomly, and I have a moving paddle/bat although I am having problems!!! They are both working independantly of each other, at the moment the ball is bouncing off the bottom of the screen, and I need to get the ball interacting with the paddle/bat.
I’m not too sure what I have done wrong …. Any suggestions?
Please help xx

  • I have tried to attach a copy of what I have done so far if it helps?

ok - i’ll try again!

did that work?!
one more time! … help?