you good at action script? can you helpme with my last post you saw?
you tarzan… :rotfl:
i don’t get you.
and how do i make it so when my random ball goes into my assigned area and when i click it in that area it does something?
slow down…
dunno what U mean
can you help me?
*Originally posted by geestring *
**i don’t get you.
and how do i make it so when my random ball goes into my assigned area and when i click it in that area it does something? **
Allright… I’m gonna try and get this… Are you asking that… If you have a randomly moving ball… If that ball goes into a certain area… Say a box… And the user clicks on that area… the box… That it’ll do something?
Fluid… Some people on here are from other countries and have really bad English
Sorry I didn’t see this earlier…
OK, I’ve found some tutorials that might be helpful. This one, Object Control tells you how to integrate objects with key presses.
This second one, Hit Test is written for Flash 5, but would work in MX too. It tells you how to detect a collision between objects. Although both instances in the example are moving, if one was static that would be fine too.
If you read through these, you should be able to work out what needs doing, and tweak the AS accordingly. If you’ve got any problems, then post them. You could post your fla as well, so we can have a look.
yo yo…cant wait till kitara does my cartoons =P