We here at kirupa officially have no life… so we can reply very quickly
Ok, so I speak for myself…lol.
But I can say that many visitors here are just addicted to this forum. It is like a drug.
We here at kirupa officially have no life… so we can reply very quickly
Ok, so I speak for myself…lol.
But I can say that many visitors here are just addicted to this forum. It is like a drug.
LOL, yep, i even check the forums from school!
LOL A drug
Thats makes me laugh alot
::He blows his eyes::
WOW man whats everyOnes age who just replyed
18 here.
WOW man im only 13…But been learning actionscript for like a moth and not really paying attention…
::His mind says NO::
Well any One elses Age..
Yeah I’m 19, soon to be 20! :evil:
Haha, heres yer fla Bulldog, sorry it took so long
Run the fla and click with yer mouse. Notice the debug panel!!
-When starting you have 10 shots.
-After those shot’s are used, 5 seconds elaps before you can shoot. (the debugger says “All good” when you can shoot again)
-IF you try to shoot when outta ammo, it says “Clip empty, wait for reload”.
-And of course, when you shoot, it says “BANG!!!”…
lol This was actually purdy fun to make =)
Have a blast Bulldog!!
O.K i see how you did but what if my code looks like this so far…
For the Gun(or ship the one you kmove around)
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.laser._visible = false;
laserCounter = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_root.laser.duplicateMovieClip("laser"+laserCounter, laserCounter);
_root["laser"+laserCounter]._visible = true;
Then for the Bullet (Laser)
onClipEvent (load) {
laserMoveSpeed = 25;
this._y = _root.gun._y-15;
this._x = _root.gun._x+48;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x += laserMoveSpeed;
if (this._x>600) {
Can you post the fla?
I have this disorder that causes me to never be able to understand other peoples code if I can’t see it in action :-\
And I’m gonna go away for some time, but I’ll be back later tonight and check it
Other people are welcome to look at this too of course
c’ya later! :pirate: Yar
Here ya go.
Arf arf(Very Loud)
BullDog Madness
Hey, not functioning???
Works For Me:*(
I mean i can shot , but cant bump Ballon???:asian:
Yeah im not there yet man…
I go step by step.
If you want to do it for me.Then its fine for me i dont care…
O and Im going crazyLOl
Here ya go…
lol, eilsoe is making u a good favor!
Heh, yeah, I like helping
Especially with these “not TOO hard” thangs…
I leave heavy coding to you other geniuses…
Thank you so much again…
Hey all…
Im here again…
But this time its another question…
See im making the Score work now…
But it only works on the one ballon not the duplicated ones…
I was working on it for like 20 minutes and cant seem to get it working…
Maybe you guys can see the problem in the fla the hitTest is only in the ballon MC
Well here it is
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