Ballon Pop

Hi all i saw the DuplicateMiovieClip tutorial and it helped a little…

But see i want to make a ballon Pop game.
And i need to know how to make it if.
My “ballon”

Goes up the screen using this code

onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._y -= speed;
And gets removeMoveiClip()
when it hits the top and duplicates by going from bottom to top

Wow i hope i explaied it right…
Or maybe you can give an example or a short helper

Hrmm, sounds like something like…

if (this._y <= -50){


You got the idea
That would work
for removeMovieClip()
but not duplicate after it goes off the screnn

I want it so when it goes off the screen it duplicates and goes up again .

Sorry, I am really not thinking right tonight. I am not exactly sure how to get it to work.

I think I have to pass and see if someone else can help you. I have ideas brewing, but my mind is functioning way off course tonight, I have no clue why.

Maybe someone else can help…
Ill put in an FLA and maybe someOne can do an example fo me…
Than explain after…

Here ya go :slight_smile:

study the code, it should work now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for covering this Eilsoe. I was really distracted last night and couldn’t think straight enough to do anything in code last night :frowning:

no problem Lost :slight_smile:

I’m kinda in a rare happy-go-crazy mood today :slight_smile:

Just got the new Dream-Dance CD… So I’m rellay freakin’ out here :crazy:

Dream-Dance? Never heard of it :-\

Well have fun!!!

I wish I was in that mood today :frowning:

Oh well… I am assuming… DANCE!!! lol

YEah my toes are twitching like crazy to the bass! :stuck_out_tongue:

Love this kinda music :crazy:

Assuming it is dance music…lol.

I like Drum and Bass techno… actually… I love it :slight_smile:

We are spammers, this thread got way off topic…LOL.


remember this?


:::runs away:::


:::runs and hides from Dan, who’s prolly gonna kill us for this:::

I don’t know what you are takling about Eilsoe.

You are the only one doing something!

:::whistles like he doesn’t know what you are talking about:::

Hey thanks everbody.


Well i loved the help and i will post here all the time now…
But lets hope next time i dont get SPAMED.
Well cya soon i have to study the code i got from eliose

It’s not easy to escape the Spam-Police…

hey, mebbe that’d be a sweet footer for Dan… :stuck_out_tongue:

“Tha Spam-Police”… uuuhh…

:::hit’s the floor and starts to pray:::

Np bulldoggy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope it’s understandable… :-\

O.K Thank you so much not only do i know how to do the duplicateMoveClip i also know how to do a gun with bullets…
But only one problem…
I need to know how to make a limit on things.
So my bullets dont have infinity…
Like 4 then wait like 5 seconds and then another 4…

Well maybe someone can help…
Hope to see a reply.

I’ll whip up sum’thin’ for ya Bulldog :slight_smile:

Just wait a few minutes…

I prefer making fla’s to demonstrate, it’s easier than writing the code here…

WOW im amazed how fast peaople reply…

And thank you …

P.S FlashKit is alot slower for replys.