Ballpoint Pen Brush

Ok well I just got the 12x12 Intuos Wacom (FREEKIN AWESOME!!) and I have started to get used to drawing normally in it. The problem is, the brushes I have in PS 7 all are a little too trasparent. I am one of the artists that make his line 3 gajillion times over to get it just right :). When I do this is the “brush” mode not the “pencil” mode, the color I am using gets lighter and lighter! Grrrrrrr. Can anyone point me in the direction of a brush or brush set that is just reaaaallly simple so I can draw normally? Alrighty thanks people! Oh yeah I forgot to say I already did a google search, but all the brush sites I found have brushes that are more picture like, no “brushes.”

-Dean-o :trout: