I bought a wacom yesterday!! I really like it, but it’s taking a bit of getting used to lol. When I got home from CompUSA yesterday I drew these, C&C welcome, but keep in mind they are like 1st draft 15 minute sketches.
Good start, and nice drawings :crazy:
-blast :tb:
Interesting work… I keep wanting to go get one of these things, but I am hooked on the old school pencil, paper, scanner routine.
Congrats on getting your tablet. I hope you like it. So, what are the big “pros” of a Wacom? I mean when you plug into PS, you have of course skipped the scanning procedure. What else?
Abstact…good stuff:thumb:
i really like it for several reasons:
1.) Pressure Sensitivity- It will automatically adjust the brush size and opacity depending on how hard you press
2.) Eraser- If you flip it around to the back of the pen to draw with, it switches to an eraser, this is really handy. You can also set this to be any other tool you want.
3.) More Natural- I haven’t ever really felt complete control with my mouse, there are always awkward times (ie when drawing a circle)
4.) More Natural II- I am a lefty, and it is much more natural to draw with my left hand, yet I have always used my right hand with the mouse, and have tried with my left and I’m clumsy and stuff.
5.) The Feel- Just overall feels like drawing with pencil and paper, it has an absolute location intead of relative like the mouse. Since every point on the pad has a corresponding place on the screen, you can pick up your pen and go back to exactly another spot. Another thing that this enables it tracing, which can come in handy sometimes (I haven’t tested this feature yet, but it says it does this on the box, and tracing could be good if you don’t have a scanner, or you want to enlarge something, or for numerous other reasons)
6.) The price- It isn’t anything outrageous at all. I got the $100 version, it isn’t that big, but it still gets the job done. It’s great.
7.) Win at online Pictionary-
btw- thanks Blastboy
Thanks taking the time to give me the lowdown.
So, all I can do with this thing is skip the “scanning”
So, I guess my art supplies have no need to retire…
well, you have unlimited ink, paper, and any type of media you want, painter 8 comes with almost everything imaginable
Wacoms are truly awesome.
I had work buy me one, and I have to admit that they do take some getting used to. It’s not quite the same as drawing with a pencil, because you’re not looking at your hand as you draw, you’re looking at the screen… But once you get over that bit, it’s fantastic.
Keep up the practice, you’ll find you love your Wacom even more…
painter 7 that came bundled with my wacom bugs every time I install it. I personnaly think it’s crap. Hope it will work one day
I can honestly say that I’ve never used Painter. :sure: I’ve only ever used the Wacom with Photoshop and Illustrator.
where did you get yours Yeldarb? I’m kind of considering getting one after you said yours was only $100. Are your images pixelated because of the compression or the wacom? Do any of you guys know of a good site with some examples of what people have done with a Wacom? (as far as realistic type stuff/their limitations go.) Thanks! :thumb:
*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**painter 7 that came bundled with my wacom bugs every time I install it. I personnaly think it’s crap. Hope it will work one day**
No problems here with my wacom and painter 7 , its running A-ok.
and im loving it!
i got mine at CompUSA
goto www.cgtalk.com, there are several excelent examples.
i don’t see any pixelization, maybe it’s because the images are so large and IE scales them down?
Can someone explain to me what exactly a wacom tablet is? I mean, you say that you “win at online pictionary” meaning you can hook it up to anything you want? Or it’s just like a Photoshop plugin… :-\ Where do I go about buying one of these
it’s basically a pen that attaches to your computer. it consists of a magnet inside the pen and one inside the tablet. your arrow on the screen corrosponds with the a place on the tablet. basically, the pen acts as a mouse. when you are within like 5 mm of the tablet, it moves the mouse, when you actually touch the tablet, it clicks down until you lift it, in this way it will draw in most programs.
sorry but i have to hars. My sister of 11 can draw better.
I addded a lil’drawing she took over in flash.
But i can say if you practice everday You get there.
I must say picasso isn’t that bad.