Basic Dreamweaver

im new to dreamweaver and don’t really know how to use it properly yet so i have a question
i want to bring in an image from photoshop say for instance its 1024 x 768 so i bring it in to dreamweaver and when i preview it the image is not right in the top corner it has a white border around it can anybody tell me how to postion it properly.


also does anyone know of any sites like this but for dreamweaver

did you try to do a search for your question?

you will prob find all the answers you need by simply doing a search.


also, its impossible to do with just an image, but if you have an HTML page then its quite easy to get rid of the space.

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">

make your body tag look like that…

I am also new to Dreamweaver. I am using ver 4.0. Which version u are using?

You can go through the help files in Dreamweaver. It is better to start with the basics. It also has a tutorial to build a site.

All the best!

thanks, im using MX

it you go to your


tag and press the “space” bar you will get a list of options, like Jubba said choose


you can also use,


also on the image itself do this:

<img src="example.gif" border="0" alt="example.gif">

but set you border to 0 the “alt” it just incase it does not load or you just want to type about the picture, when someone hovers over it the will see the “alt” text you type in.

hope that helped:nerd:

I got a tip for you. Don’t get too dependent on ‘DreamBeaver.’
It’s good to get an understanding of web code, but seriously, learn basic HTML and ASP and you will never really need that program again.

Check here

Coolidge. i know HTML, and am learning PHP. but i used dreamWeaver. It is the best thing on earth, but you have to backend code it all. The best is that it checks all your code, so its that much easyer to find syntax errors.

My answer is also make sure that its not your image, cause if thats not transparent then there will be a white boarder (or whatever colour your background is)

[QUOTE]but you have to backend code it all/QUOTE]

I’ll agree to that. But I still hate that program. I use MS InnerDev at work and going back to Dreamweaver is very disappointing.

But in DreamBeavers defense, it beats using FrontPage and Go Live.

Now php-that’s something I’d like to learn.