Basic movieclip question

Now I’m sure this is really easy, but I’m having a time with it. I have 4 movieclips I want to run in one flash movie. I want them to run through in order from movieclip 1 - movieclip 4 and then loop the whole thing again. I guess what I’m tring to say is I want the four seporate movieclips to be chained:

Movieclip 1 plays…then is told to go to movieclip 2 and plays that…then movieclip 2 ends and is told to go play movieclip 3. Once all four have played I want it to go back to movieclip 1 and repeat all over again.

Can someone please help me!?


make 4 mc’s give each a different instance name

each mc (except mc1) have a stop() action on frame 1 and the last frame.

on the last frame tell also add _root.mc2.gotoAndPlay(2);
reason for frame 2 and not 1 is that you have a stop() action on frame one, so it won’t play

look at my example

hope this helps :slight_smile:

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say…but if your movie clips are like 50 frames long each (doesnt matter how long),
put the first one in the main timeline, and extend the main frames from 1-50, then for the second one, drop it in frame #51, and extend the frames to however long the movie clip plays, do the same for the rest, and then, on the last frame, make it a keyframe and put these actions :

[AS]gotoAndPlay (1);[/AS]

There is an easy way of doing it, make a movie clip, and then put your 4 movies into it, make sure they are on different layers, then all you have to do, is from frame 1 to 60 for example have movie clip 1 running, once that has finished, on frame 60 enter a key frame for your second movie eg frame 60 to 120, and keep repeating this until all your movie clips have been added. If you want the movie clip to loop, then just make sure u don’t have a stop condition at the end. There u go, it will work!Hope that helped.

if you do it that way you add more frames to your movie… you might as well just make one long animation… if you seperate the mc’s then you can just script each mc to play the next one.

download the file i attached and look at the script. its actually very simple… i admit it might not be the best, but that’s what i would do if i ever “wanted” to do that… you could also add script the frame instead of the mc’s and then make functions that will trigger each mc…