V.simple movie control

Could some kind person please tell me how i can control movie clips to play in sequnce.

I have several movie clips, which are all contained in the main scene, basically i just want them to play in order. ie. ‘clip2’ starts playing immediately after ‘clip1’.

Is there some script i can put in the last frame of say ‘clip1’, that will go to and play frame 2 in the main time line. Then I could just put ‘clip2’ in the 2nd frame of the main time line, and they will play in sequence. Is this the right way to go about it?

I have tried using various bits of script to get this to work, but im a bit new to the actionscript side of flash.


just put a stop action on frame 1 of each mc, then on the movie clip wich ends on the last frame put a mc.gotoAndPlay(frame label or number) wich tells the next movie you want to play go to the second frame and the same applies to each other mc just make sure the first clip you want to play doesnt have a stop action on the first frame so it plays on its own


Cheers mate…

I just tried what you siad, it works fine. I was nearly there myself, oh well.

Thanks again, seifer