[font=Arial]Can someone please help me with some basic Photoshop questions?![/font]
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[font=Arial]I work with Ps every day, and have done for the past few years, and no matter how embarrassing this is (!), I have a big black hole concerning pictures quality. Every time questions about this surfaces, I somehow manage to do right without even knowing what I did when I’m done![/font]
[font=Arial]My problem can be summed up in one question: [/font]
[font=Arial]”How can I the easiest way find out which quality a picture has in Ps?”
[font=Arial]Now and then I get sent .jpg-files to me by e-mail, as I did today.
[/font][font=Arial]Since I’m working on a PC I double clicked on the filename attached to the mail, chose “Open file” and the picture automatically opens in Microsoft Photoeditor. Here I right-click on the picture, copy it, and then opens PS. In Ps I’m opening a new window (Ctrl+n) and PS suggests a file size that has a resolution on 96 ppi and a transparent background. I paste my picture. I now have a picture that has a resolution on 96 ppi.[/font]
[font=Arial]This is the first version.
[/font][font=Arial]Second version:
[/font][font=Arial]I double-click on the filename attached to the mail, chose “Open file” and the picture automatically opens in Microsoft Photoeditor. Here I right-click on the picture, copy the picture, and then opens PS. In Ps I’m opening a new window (Ctrl+n) and instead of letting Ps suggest a resolution, I enter 300 (since I’m going to print this picture) and I chose transparent background. I get the window, and I paste my picture. I now have the same picture as I did from before, but now with much higher quality.
[/font][font=Arial]Third version:
[/font][font=Arial]I double-click on the filename attached to the mail, chose “Save file on disk”. Then I’m opening Ps and open the file from there (Ctrl+o). The same picture from before opens but now with a resolution of 72 ppi.
[font=Arial]I just don’t get it! I have three versions of the same picture, one 300ppi, one 96 ppi, and the last 72 ppi. Which is the right one?
[/font][font=Arial]Help anyone??!![/font]