i am currently designing a scrolling beat em up game in AS3 and have got a bit lost!
i have designed my main sprite and programmed the key functions for most of his animations (walking,jumping,crouching, punching and kicking) and i have added a movie clip of what will be the bad guys.
i am unsure of where to go from here in terms of adding the bad guy sprite to the movie and getting him to approach the main sprite. any help would be appreciated.
Start your main character on the left side of the screen and move him to the right. Move the bad guys from right to left. Sooner or later, they are bound to collide. You could even set up paths for your bad guys: walk left for 200 pixels, then turn around and walk right for 200 pixels. Go old school and think of games like Ninja Gaiden or Mario. Hope this helps
Scrolling beat em up says to me - Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Captain Commando, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs etc - are you looking for that kind of game? I’ve started a basic engine for one but it’s in AS2.0 - could be quite easily converted to AS3.0
It’s got just the basics at the moment, movement, jumping and moves (moves are queue based like in the usual games so you have to hit punch 3 times for a combo, that kind of thing)
I started a thread on it a while ago here http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=272699
Have a look and mess with the files - I was thinking about finishing it some time but with a good set of moves, not just 3 punches and 3 kicks - I want to do context sensitive moves such as grabs, reversals etc
Super Double Dragon on SNES was going to be an inspiration but I wanted more flexibility with the reversals.
Anyway let me know if you want a heads up on the source or help converting it
[QUOTE=Charleh;2329092]Scrolling beat em up says to me - Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Captain Commando, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs etc - are you looking for that kind of game? I’ve started a basic engine for one but it’s in AS2.0 - could be quite easily converted to AS3.0
It’s got just the basics at the moment, movement, jumping and moves (moves are queue based like in the usual games so you have to hit punch 3 times for a combo, that kind of thing)
I started a thread on it a while ago here http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=272699
Have a look and mess with the files - I was thinking about finishing it some time but with a good set of moves, not just 3 punches and 3 kicks - I want to do context sensitive moves such as grabs, reversals etc
Super Double Dragon on SNES was going to be an inspiration but I wanted more flexibility with the reversals.
Anyway let me know if you want a heads up on the source or help converting it[/QUOTE]
Hello mate,
yes a double dragon/streets of rage type game is what im looking for.
i am totally new to actionscript so if u could help me with converting it from 2 to 3 i would appreciate it.