Help on beat em up Game! Plz

[font=Comic Sans MS]**Hi I’ve benn using flash for about a month and i was wondering wether someone could help me mak a [color=red]beat 'em up type game[/color]. I have my Characters but i want to know how to make them walk left, right, jump, kick and punch and also to make that when they hit eack other their health goes down or something. Any help would be greatly [color=red]appreaciated[/color]!(<–dunno how to spell it lol) **[/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS]I can put the fla’s on if i need to aswell! [/font]
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:drool:[color=seagreen] plz help[/color]

step one: do a search
step two: find a thread or a tutorial called basic movement
step three: learn about hitTests
step four: learn about scrolling:
step five: finish your great game!

ofcouse theres more than that. A month isn’t a long time to learn a whole lot about actionscripting. I suggest trying to to other simple things that incorporate what you need for your fighting game, get a little man to run around the screen, try get different action when different buttons are pressed, things like that.

There’s a thread like this posted in like the last week!

Hahaha! you remind me of my younger self :s:.
