as the title says: no polit discussion please
We have enough discussion threads in ordered, so if you wan’t to say something about it just refer to this thread.
wow, I really love that style. The animation and modeling is great. The symbolism is so obvious though that I wonder if it would truly be effective propaganda. By effective I mean able to sway the opinions of the undecided public without their conscious knowledge. Actually the whole clip is pure, open, symbolism. Interesting.
Michael Moore couldn’t touch this short with a ten foot pole… All of his hype, sensationalizing, juxtapositiong of clips and sound bites, and blatant fear-mongering looks like childs play when compared to this beautifully done piece of art that accurately describes the US war on terror for what it is: War-Corporatism…
By far the greatest politically-orientated movie-short i have ever scene…