

This paragraph I found in Action Script Help

…When a movie plays, Flash loads all movie clips and sounds that are added with attachMovie
or attachSound before the first frame of the movie. This can create a delay before the
first frame plays. When you assign a linkage identifier to an element, you can also specify
whether this content should be added before the first frame. If it isn’t added in the first
frame, you must include an instance of it in some other frame of the movie; if you don’t,
the element will not be exported to the SWF file.

Because I am a beginner in flash and actionscript, I don’t understand the sentence “… you must include an instance of it in some other frame of the movie”. I tried include movie clip in the third frame physically from the library (by drag and drop), but I want to do it in actionscript. Physically include working, but the symbol stays on the stage and I want to display it in another frame or another layer eg. using change alpha property from 0 to 100.

Can sombodey help me ?


Ok, in order to add it through Actionscript, do the following:

  1. From the library, right click the Instance you want to add, and choose Linkage….

  2. Click on Export to Actionscript (the first check box) and the text field should be available. By default, the name is going to be the name of the symbol. You can change this. Whatever you change it to, remember it, we are going to use it later. In this mini-tutorial, i’m going to use “box”.

  3. Now go to the frame you want to add the instance (Frame 3, was it? for you?) and add the following code:

attachMovie("box", "copyofbox", 0);

That’s it! the first parameter in that function call (“box”) is the name we gave the symbol above. The second, (“copyofbox”), is the name of the symbol within the movie; you will use this name to manipulate this instance. The third parameter is the level which you put it in. You don’t have to worry about this if there’s only one attached movie.

Now, i’m not entirely sure at what you’re trying to achieve towards the end of your post, so can you clear that up for me?