Movie clip linkage confusion

I think I understand the principle of linkage but I have a proble
m. I am trying to attach a movie clip from the library using a button. It works, provided I check ‘export for first frame’ I the linkage menu. If I don’t it will not work at all

If you do this, there is a big delay (9 seconds) before the preloader kicks in because library items are loaded before frame 1. In the help file, it says you can aviod this by including an instance on another frame. I can’t figure this out because all I have is a button that calls the instance.

I am getting in an endless loop here. I could solve the problem by using loadMovie but I don’t want use this method.

Any help please


Including an instance on another frame means that you should have that movieclip on stage somewhere.

To avoid the preloader lag, create an empty frame right after your preloader and before all your other content starts.

Now that you have that empty frame, drag an instance of that movieclip onto the stage.

Go back to your library and uncheck export to first frame. Since you manually exported that movieclip to that empty frame, there’s no need to export to the first frame.

Note: This also applies when you want to add (embed) fonts and other things.

[m], you’re right, it also applies to sound objects and components as well.

Thanks E-geek, it worked !

no problem. =)