Best content management systems for flash?

Ok, scenario - we build a flash website for a client, and on the site there are two main pages that the client would want to update on a regular basis (weekly)

What would be your solution for this? Ok I know that xml and text files can be used for this, but lets assume now that our client is an eighty year old who has no possible way of opening these files and doing it without screwing the whole thing up completely - is there a fool proof way to do this with flash at all - a simple file like a word document with no html type of tabs - that can be simply typed into - saved and uploaded to the server to overwrite the existing file?

There must be a way because otherwise it would mean contacting the designer every single week with updates and thus making a huge bill at the end of the year - and lots of boring work for an already busy flash web designer.

Any thoughts on this dilema? it must be happening all the time, this sort of thing :slight_smile:

Thank you.