Best Flash Game Ever


it’s okay. Kind of repetitive.

It’s ok

That was freaking awesome. Graphics were cool and it was addicitng to try and escape extinction.

Sure, you’re a dinosaur running from certain doom… (which is genius in its own right). buts its all the little intricate parts that you don’t even know about by playing once that are this game’s key to success.

being carried by a pterodactyl is so much fun hahahah

plus i doom-surfed for 4 seconds which was also awesome

That is the best thing I have ever seen.

■■■■ it. I had things I meant to do this evening, and escaping impending doom wasn’t on the list.

I’m on the wagon, that IS one of the best flash games I’ve played.

I love tghe pixellated graphics, I love the attention to detail, and most of all I love fast, no nonsense games. it’s just fun to play, tearing through the levels.

The music is also amazing,

Sonic meets Jurassic Park. I like.

Nothing screams Atari 2600 like this game! Very retro, cool and quite fun.

wow. at first i was like what the **** is this crap?

the game actually gets kind of intense if you don’t run the whole time. there’s never been a flash game that’s made me FEEL like i BETTER keep running OR ELSE like a 3rd gen video game system does… this game actually gives that awareness of mortality even with the bitmap graphics.

it is repetitive but a really good idea.

nice find.

Addictive, like meth. Had to cut it off after level 3, or face being doomed myself. :thumb2:

its only as repetitive as you make it… if you take chances and do some crazy stuff its a lot more fun, plus there’s like a billion hidden areas you can wander into and grab mad eggs

a friggin’ pterodactyl picked me up and carried me across most of level 2!!! nice! how’s THAT repetitive?!

I KNOW!! A friggin pterodactyl!!!

you can also ride on top of the bigger dinos, there is one species that is faster, which actually helps…

climbing on top of the stego’ gets you nowhere

LOL… The pterodactyl that grabbed me had a reverse effect and took me straight left to my death :frowning:

But, I’m with you, that game is awesome! :thumb2:

[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2332671]you can also ride on top of the bigger dinos, there is one species that is faster, which actually helps…[/QUOTE]
I was sailing on one of them until he fell in a tar pit.

Wasn’t that bad, wasn’t that great either, it was ok and the pixelated graphics gave it a interesting touch.
As for the wall of doom, it was a joke in the early levels with the priers of green, trees, water and then the black wall coming talk about random they might as well had made it a wall of flowers it would have been about as good.Now in the later levels with the fire, lava, brimstone the wall of doom matched up perfect with the design.

You’re running away from the meteor explosion. Last I checked, meteors don’t make walls of flowers.