Best Flash Game Ever


lol, yea, doom doesn’t care about how pretty it looks… it is complete and utter destruction…

honestly, if i mess up and the wall catches up to me, my heart actually starts pounding

ill have to check that out


it made me think of Pata Pon for psp a little.

The fun part for me was gobbling up all the little dinosaurs…oh, and the 23 second doomsurf I managed to achieve, although this was more a case of luck than judgement.

23 Seconds !?!?

Uh-huh. I think it was on level 4 and fortunately there weren’t any major obstacles in the way, e.g. triceratops, stegasaurii, boulders, etc. If there was, I managed to evade them or they got incinerated first. I just kept running while furiously smashing the jump button and eventually managed to pull away from the wall of doom. I think I must’ve headbutted a dozen micro-meteorites out of the way too :smiley:

dont forget about your speed boost!

Pfffft…now you tell me!

its ok, need more DNA!!!

Then play moar!~

Wow, people who say “it’s ok” must know very little game design. This game if fantastic. The amount of details put into it is almost overwhelming, and every aspect of gameplay is polished and buttoned up to the last pixel. PixelJAM rocks.

Agreed. The game is top notch, everything about it is quality, a lot of work has gone into it.

Seriously, all you haters probably got doomified in the first few seconds and lost interest

Haha this game is pretty cool! I suck at it though…

:stare: dear god this game rocks! dammit i have to work :’(

Actually some of us do know of game design. The gameplay is ok, the pixellated graphics remind me of the atarai.
As I always say different games for different folks, but me personally I didn’t find it very compelling and got bored of it quick. Of course I get bored of most games pretty quick so that just lets you know of my attention span.

I played it more, I got better. I love that you can ride the dinosaur! Only made it to level 6 so far. This game really does a good job of setting the mood and making you want to save your dinosaur when the doom wave is about to overtake you.

I should probably get back to work now…

Wow I wish I wasn’t working right now… After reading all this I really want to play it.

■■■■ it I can’t find alien/t-rex or brontus egg! :frowning: