Best Flash Game Ever

I’ve played every game under the sun since I was about 7 and this one is great! It’s got great graphics, awesome animation and sound effects and it’s addictive.

I love the physics and the detail in every part. Multiplayer is great too! I managed to win my first 8 races, one that was neck and neck most of the way.

Top quality game, and it’s worth replaying just to get enough DNA and bones to upgrade and unlock the extras!

[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2333158]dont forget about your speed boost![/QUOTE]

There’s a speed boost :wt:

Wow, reading the instructions actually tells you a lot about how to play the game. Who could’ve known?

Graphics are good…

I’m suprised I found a link to this game here. Before I saw this link I knew about how awesome this Flash game was; it is one of my favorites I’ve encountered on the Internet.

PixelJam really did a great job with this. As others have said, the attention to detail is astounding, the music is sweet, and the game play is perfect. The game is pretty short to at just 6 levels, but you can earn points to upgrade your dino’s stats. I play the full 6 levels every few days to make my dino awesome :P.

Really a great game :slight_smile:

Wow. :expressionless:

That’s awesome.

You’re internetting wrong.

Perhaps a new internets is required.

fun, but i wouldn’t put it in a top 10

mmm u need to play some real games i guess.

this one is ok… but the best!?

It’s ok.
Even though it’s not that new but it’s good to play with.Thank You.