i’m doing a flash webpage for a client that wants a large photo gallery (around 50-60 pics). He wants a thumbnail that when clicked will display the larger image. Now i’ve done this before, but the resulting swf was over 2 megs, way too big for dial up connections. What is the best way to include so many thumbnails and still keep the overall size of the project low? I’m using Flash MX and the larger images are loaded from the server using a javascript pop-up window, the code being embedded in the thumbnail button. Thanks!
sorry but there is no way to reduce the filesize except reducing the quality of images… if u want an idea, u can load the thumbnail images externally in the swf… this won’t reduce the filesize but more user friendly;)
if by user friendly you mean load faster then show me the light!
i didn’t mean load faster… i mean users can see the main movie&thumbnails places with “loading please wait” massege;) if a thumbnail image loaded,users can see it at the same time… they don’t wait the loading of the whole movie…:s:
don’t include the jpgs in the movie - load them dynamically using loadMovie() AS function… search on the forum or in the K-tuts, this has been discussed a great number of times before… =)