Please go and have a look at 2 pictures I took with my digital camera this weekend here in Ontario. This is right outside my front door after our ice storm. I took them at night so the flash would work it’s magic
I was wondeing if anyone here knew of a good photo gallery tutorial or something that I could use on a site I am making. I check out the site here and have seen the Kirupa one but it’s kind of simple for what I want…and I saw lava’s (which is very nice) but I am looking for a thumbnail-click for larger view kind of thing. Can anyone help?
they’re both empty URLs. if you want to see something cool with photo galleries check out the 3D gallery bit-101 made on his site. i can’t direct you with the link, but it’s there.
hmm… I’m sure you can modify my code appropriately. I know how to add the thumbnails to my gallery, and I’ve been meaning to do that and write a tutorial on it, but I haven’t had time to do it. I’d do it for you right now except that I really need to find a new job, and once again, I dont have time. But you know how I load the pics into the container on mine? You can use the same technique to load, lets say, the next 5 pictures into containers, and resize those movie clips so that they look like thumbnails. You’d do it using movieclip._xscale, movieclip_yscale. Just store the name of the picture in a variable, and when the movie is clicked, pass the variable to the larger container. I know I’m not being really specific about this, but I’m trying to point you in the right direction.
Yah Lava that’s great. I did look at yours (I foudn the link from a search I did) but like I said, I need the thumbnail thing to work ya know? It’s for a client and what they say goes Any help you could off would be great. Again thanks for the reply.
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**I just noticed, that second picture looks fake! It looks like I put the branch on another picture…crazy! **
What do you mean the second picture? They’re BOTH obvious fakes. Total photoshop jobs. A little line tool here, a little airbrushing there… presto. Well done =)
heh the second one looks like it has a skull on the right side :!:
:-\ maybe Im just in a :bad: mood
While at work - I did not see your post. I checked this board like 30 times today and that first one wasnt there. I dont understand or have any idea why… this is strange. Now I know what you were talking about I am sorry man…
I am going to look at your page right now - I just wanted to let you know it wasnt my parka’s fault. This time.
Yah Rev, that’s pretty simliar to what I want to do - except I want the images to load larger when they are clicked and not pre-loaded. This way they only have to look at the pics they want. The reason for this is because the pics are a good size and I want to cut down overall load time.