What this does is refer to the current object which you are in - or where the code is being put, which is typically implied when you’re writing code for the object youre in. This is of course unless you are within an object function (method), which is often the case with Flash MX when you write something like
myMovie.onEnterFrame = function(){
_x += 10;
because no this is used there, the _x refers to the current movieclip where the code is being placed, which is the timeline that myMovie exists, or myMovie._parent. However, there you would want the _x to reference the myMovie or the movieclip associated with that onEnterFrane method. That is where the this is needed to reference the this of the object.
When ON a movieclip adding onClipEvent events, the this is implied because you are actually IN that movieclip. However, this is sometimes still used there because of how it would be used in an onEnterFrame event like in above
there are some cases when you need to use this… like for duplicated movieclips “onenterFrame” actions… if you don’t use “this” then the whole code goes crazy…