Better enable?

I have a small problem with a nav that I’ve been working on.
In short, I’m trying to disable the buttons when they are pressed, but sine the buttons have a fadeup/down function on them…disabling breaks that function.

It ends up getting stuck at the fully faded in frame. I’ve tried sending it back to the first frame in various places, but it flashes for a second and goes to the last frame again/

the problem as I see it is the button is disabling but not killing the rollOver quickly or efficienty. The rollOut is already disabled, so it gets stuck.

So my question is, does anyone have a good technique for fixing this??
Is there a way to JUST disable the on(press)?
That would be perfect.

you could use a setInterval instead to determine when is disable

can you explain that a bit with some code examples?
i think i understand what you mean… but i wanted to make sure