good day members of Kirupa
i am not good in action script but i will tell you my idea
i have 6 buttons each button inside a movie clip which have animation onRollover
and onRollout.
now my question is
when i press the button, the button animation start from frame 2 inside the movie clip
and stop for instance frame 8
then it will be disable until i press another button
so the previouse button will be enabled and it will continue the animation
basically i put the code in the time line on the stage here it is
for (i=1; i<6; i++) {
this["mc"+i].onRollOver = overMe;
this["mc"+i].onRollOut = outMe;
this["mc"+i].onPress = selectMe;
function overMe() {
function outMe() {
function selectMe() {
i tried my best to solve it , but no way
any help guys to fininsh it
file is attached
note :
i am using flash professional 8