Sorry Colin, but your really starting to pi** me off!
For example, your custom scrollbar graphics question. Someone posted a tutorial that you could go through, rip the code out, place it in your file and take out what isn’t needed. Instead, you say thanks but no thanks, post up your file, and expect someone else to figure it out for you.
For starters, that tutorial was 9 PAGES LONG!!! From my very limited experience, 2 Up/Down Arrows to control a scrollable MC require a quarter of the code a scrollbar does. Hence, the link I posted to the original tutorial I tried to follow…only 1 page long! I find it mission impossible to “disect” or decipher 1 line of code, let alone 9 PAGES of it!! I’m a born Graphic Designer trying to learn about Coding, not vica-versa. In my opinion, these 2 are like ‘Chalk and Cheese’. Your brain is either programmed for it or it’s not. Your either have a natural gift for it or you don’t! Not everyone is as gifted as you Colin. After all, what do you think I’m doing here??
Secondly, the reason I didn’t post a detailed explanation of my problem, was because I assumed that people weren’t answering me because I was adding TOO MUCH information. Go back and have a look at my 1st ever post, genius (“Animated Speaker Button. Help Please”). I’ve been more detailed than anyone…and only one response, which didn’t really answer my question. I ended up solving the problem myself through determination, problem solving and pure luck, not by learning Actionscript back to front…A whole 2 weeks later I might add. A very frustrating experience to say the least. Just a little bit of a “poke” in the right direction would’ve been great!
google search and search this site for tutorials and past threads
I’ve tried both of these many times. If there was a record for the most google searches in limited period of time, I’d easily get the gold medal!
Is there a reason why I should come on the forums after 8-10 hours of working in Flash and spend another hour helping people who seemingly won’t do anything to help themselves?
For the simple joy of helping people less fortunate and knowledge than your gifted self…and of course, good karma.
I’ve already helped somebody with their “Transitions” question, only a week after learning how to do it myself…I’m not sure if I gave the answer, but AT LEAST I HAD A GO. And yes, it did FEEL GOOD to help somebody. You should try it, you might like it. 
I’d hope you’re getting “awesome help” from someone at Expert Exchange, that’s what you’re paying for.
Thanks for your imput simplistik, but if you’d read my post properly you would’ve noticed that I’m actually getting the help through “Flash Advisor”, not Experts Exchange. FA is also FREE, like this site.