BIG Idea for Kirupa Upgrade

Thanks for the feedback Voets…

If you can’t be bothered to try to comprehend a 9 page long (omgomgomg) tutorial about it, why should we bother to help you understand what you’re doing?

…In reply to this statement: I believe it was Kirupa himself who said something along the lines of “learning to create code for a custom scrollbar is like learning to memorise the declaration of independence backwards” in one of his tutorials. If thats coming from the boss, how do you expect an amateur like me to understand or disect that sort of code?..No chance!

And I do want to learn (enough to get me by, not to build the next space-shuttle!), but I just find it very difficult to get my head around Actionscript and code in general. It’s Double-Dutch to me. The only reason I DO want to learn it I’ve seen the possibilities, and because I want to be able to build the same type of sites I’ve been inspired by.

And Voets, I’d also like to thank you for that very helpful “Transitions” tutorial…your about the only person I do have to thank on this site so far. It was a bit difficult to understand at 1st, but I finally got it working…self modified I might add. Ie: Interface with space around main-frame. Created a frame-sized mask above “container” to draw external SWF into frame…And it worked! Woot, woot! :stuck_out_tongue:

Poke 1 - Google Search: Google…+speaker&meta=
Poke 2 - Kirupa Search: kirupaForum

Poke 1: Searched every link on page 1. Nothing that even vaugely related to my issue.
Poke 2: Ahh, different type of animation champ. Way off the mark! I wanted “Mario Brothers”…thats more like “Shrek”…3". :wink:

I wasn’t aware that medals were handed out for an inability to search

Wow, thats rough. Trust me, I’ve searched a million and 1 links since I started work on this interface. I’ve definatley done my research! If anything, my only weakness is my inability to customise things to suit my own needs…thats what I thought forums were here for.

why does everyone have to explain themselves to one new person that is obviously not happy with the way this site operates.

Relax mate, it’s a “healthy” discussion. :slight_smile:


@DC_Creative, I dont think your comments in this thread will assist you in receiving assistance in the future to your threads from people whom read this and your comments (yikes).

If you put half the effort into research and learning as you do in taking the time to write your witty responses, then you would probably be already learning. However you seem to favor discussion and debate over actual learning. Learning new things takes time and effort. Your stopping on page 1 of Google or giving up after using your first search terms is rather lacking in effort for example. Again maybe manifest some of the energy you expend in debate and arguing with others into research and learning. You might be suprised what this effort yields.

Transitioning from a graphic designer to a designer whom can code and develop takes a good deal of time for those who make the effort to do so. Ultimately it will be your effort and desire that enables you to make this transition. Likewise the help you find along the way, but bottom line its up to you.

:stare: :h:

Voets and glos said it all.

The decision’s already been made for me. He clearly fails to understand that contributors to these forums are, without exception, volunteers who give up a great deal of their own time and effort for free and so I’ve reluctantly exercised my right to “bias” by making him the inaugural member of my ignored list.

In short, my personal time is too precious to waste on unappreciative numptys.

I thought I made it crystal clear in the first post I made in this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome work champ, way to piss off a handful of the most intelligent, helpful people on the boards.

Awesome work champ, way to piss off a handful of the most intelligent, helpful people on the boards.

Cheers Josh!..No harm, no foul in my opinion. By the way. Portland: “Zine” capital of the world. :slight_smile:

But I think I made some pretty valid points…there is really no point in having forums set-up for obsolete versions of Flash if nobody’s going to make the effort to answer questions in them, right???

If you put half the effort into research and learning as you do in taking the time to write your witty responses, then you would probably be already learning. However you seem to favor discussion and debate over actual learning.

I’ve done quite alot of self-assisted research and learning thanks champ…Through Google, online tutorials, reading archived thread on numerous sites…but there are these things you get to sometimes called “roadblocks”…which is when I’ve resorted to posting questions in forums in a bid to get around them…And what a pointless waste of time that’s been.

Sorry guys, but it’s just really frustrating when your trying to learn something that your WAY out of your league with, and then you struggle to get help when you really need it…Frustration soon turns into anger and bitterness, and then a messy thread like this.

Anyway, I’m deleting my account now. Enjoy your clique. :slight_smile:


But I think I made some pretty valid points…[/QUOTE]

Perhaps so, but I also hope you at least considered the advice of others here also, as valid points were likewise made by others as well.

[QUOTE=DC_Creative;2357279]there is really no point in having forums set-up for obsolete versions of Flash if nobody’s going to make the effort to answer questions in them, right???[/QUOTE]

I know some of the older forums can be frustrating and slower. However with newer versions of Flash out it should be understood that people move on at some point. You cant fault people for wanting to try and stay current and move ahead as software advances. But yes there are people that still use AS1, AS2, Flash MX, Flash 2004, but the user base is getting smaller since we are now two upgrades removed from MX2004, soon to be three with Flash CS4. With Flash 8 there were major advancements with additional classes/features etc… and with CS3 and AS3 well everything changed, so of course people will naturally migrate to the newer version and thus the associated forums. Its not a knock or avoidance of those whom cant or do not upgrade its just how it is.

Sorry if you feel slighted or left out but with technology its about moving forward. As an effect of this there is less of a user base in the older forums. Sad but true.

[QUOTE=DC_Creative;2357279]Anyway, I’m deleting my account now. Enjoy your clique.[/QUOTE]

No one was asking you to leave. Its a big internet however and plenty to choose from, no need to burn bridges though. Best wishes regardless, sincerely.