BIG problem at school! Help needed!


alot has happend since my last post. I recently had a problem with some one in my school and he called my gf a fat B**** so i got into it and told him to shut the heck up (i used another word but ill keep it clean, lol) up and he started flipping out. I told him to meet me some where after school. He started punching him self in the head repeatly. My teacher breaks it up. i go to do a project and he starts up. mocking me and all types of annoying stuff. I get up out of my chair and stair him down. I get kicked out of shop and written up for doing that. I heard him talking about bringing weapons into it. Guns… etc.

i brought that down with me to the School resource officer. he didnt do anything. He called the kid down and the kid denied it and he let him go…

whats wrong with this picture???

What should i do???

thanks for your time:)