Big Thread O' Anime!

*Originally posted by Lady Miaka *
**Seifer…can you explain to the nice folks Larping please?? **

…there’s not much to explain… LARP = Live Action Role Playing… about explains it all, really…

It’s mainly the otaku that get into cosplay though, a Japanese thing. I don’t know about America, but you don’t realy get it over here in England. Not that I know of anyway. :slight_smile:

Though, who would I go as…? I’m tempted by StreetFighter’s Cammy, though she’s not an RPG / anime character…

Well Kitiara,

It’s not only anime characters… I’ve seen many people dress up as Final Fantasy characters, Mortal Kombat, Dance Dance Revolution characters, and yes, belive it or not, Teletubies… Now don’t think I would do anything as crazy as that, but I’ll tell you, some people sure go out on a limb for laughs. And it was pretty funny… +_+


I don’t think Cammy would be too far out there… I’ve seen some Ryu’s, and a Ken before…
Also a lot of FF characters: Yuffie, 6 Clouds, and a Blue haired Sephiroth, I even saw this one guy dressed up as Serge, from Chrono Cross. I remember also seeing a group of people all dressed up as the cast of Final Fight, but since I never really played that one, I couldn’t name any of them.
I also saw a box of Pocky. dancing. With a top-hat…


A box of Pocky!!! That is what I would love to see!! I swear, I would melt in my pants from laughter. I love Pocky by the way…
Thank god for “Shaw’s”. Oh man, I just got this Naruto soundtrack, and listening to it now, its great. +_+


Teletubbies is… Well, I was going to say ‘hard to believe’, but now I think about it… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I know Final Fantasy is a hugely popular thing to cosplay. Though there’s a distinct lack of blondes there for me to impersonate. :slight_smile:

Until someone can suggest one better, I’ll go with Cammy then. :slight_smile:


Man she is hot! But you know who would be a great character to cos-play as? Ino from Naruto! Shes tuff’ and cute!

Another possibility methinks. :slight_smile: Will have to start watching Naruto… :slight_smile:

You could go as Quistis… or if you wanna go really retro, go as Celes… If you had a bit of a tan, you could try Rikku, but she barely wears anything at all, and I don’t think being around a bunch of Teenage FanBoys while wearing a Bikini is a good idea… for them, not for the wearer…

I like yuna…she’s gorgeous

Dude, I mean uhh, what’s the word for girl with dude? ok never mind.

Kitara, you have to see Naruto… If you are like anyone on the face of the planet… you should absoutly love naruto!!!
Hey, if you want to see it, go to but you have to use BitTorrent. Not sure if your familiar with it. It’s like a P2P network program. Don’t worry, no “Download Online Police” Haha… good luck. And you’d be great as Ino…
Haha, good point there about Rikku, trust me. If I ever saw Rikku walking around, you don’t want to know what i would do. Not to mention Paine… she’s a scary kind of hot. +_+


I think Wolfwood from “Trigun” is hot…and for a real guy…Jet-Li…yummy

Hehe, Yah, Wolfwood is pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind being him…
I’d have all the popular girls flocking to my otaku geekiness!
I wish… Hehe thx +_~


That’s my baby…

Hey im an otaku geek…and im a chick…go figure

Ohhh Jet Li… My dream… Haha, ewww.
Whoa guys, This is a little off subject, but while looking for an example of someone cos-playing teletubbies, I fell over this. This is great…Hahaha’


I’d like to see my wife in a costume of Miang from Xenogears…
or perhaps a Meryl, from Trigun… :beam:

I think she’s mad at me now though, for this post… uh-oh… :frowning:

Not a big fan of Trigun, but is Miang a purple haired girl?

edit : Hahaha, Ah! Run from the attacking wives! Too bad I don’t have one… But someday! :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s awsome your a lady otaku. Haven’t seen too many of them, except at anime conventions ofcourse! :slight_smile: thx +_+


There is nothing worse when vanilla ice decides to do cosplay