this is for kirupa the new kirupa award rotflmao
thanks for using my ? i didnt think they were that great, guess i was wrong or hes just scared i might take his soul :evil:
LOL grim! Mind if I add the graphic to the Propaganda page in the About section of the site?
I’m sorry, but Billy Bussey just comes off as somebody who love’s himself way to much. Everything on his site (old and new) is like one giant ad for how “great” he is. I’d admit, I like some of the 3d, but he even say’s it himself he goe’s to flashkit for the tricky actionscript. It’s just trendy design to me…
no disrespect
just an observation
lololololol man thats funy grim
what would you call an action script server?
*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**what would you call an action script server? **
lmao ur kidding right?
well, i looked at kirupa saying “AS liking good” and it went from there.
No offence kirupa.
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**LOL grim! Mind if I add the graphic to the Propaganda page in the About section of the site? **
hey i didnt think youd like it much if you want i can give you the psd so you or someone else can improve it a bit, its my way of saying thank you for having this place i call home and letting me be a part of the family :beam: i :love: beign a kirupian
ok, I’ll touch it up a tad bit then grim. Don’t worry about sending me the PSD…won’t do me much good since I don’t have PS I still use the free image editor that came with Microsoft FrontPage, and I really like it!
:!: ok now wtf is that?? you really seem to :love: FP to each his own im just you dont have PS anyways do with it as you please it does have your pic :sigh: lol glad you liked it kman im honored :beam:
que? I didn’t understand any of that.
I don’t get that either.
you did say que which means what in spanish so i replied nada which is nothing