Billy Bussey: Interview

Hey everyone,
I e-mailed billy bussey about doing an interview for the site, and he agreed :slight_smile: If any of you have any ideas for questions to ask Billy, feel free to post them here, and may include some of your best ones when asking him. Try to stay on topic if at all possible :block:

PS: He is the designer of

Kirupa :eye:

1). Where do you draw inspiration from?

2). What are your favorite flash sites besides yours?

3). What sources have you used to learn the programs you use to make your site.

4). How many hours did you spend creating your site?

5). How long before billybussey v3?

6). What’s with the hats?

Zup Billymeister,
What advice can you give fellow developers and artists that has helped you throughout the years in terms of experience and getting things done the right way?

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now or what are your future plans?

since nali asked whats with the hats id ask whats up with atari? are you just a fan or do you think we are in debt with them because they helped forge where videogaming is today :wink:

keep up the awesome work:beam:
Grim out

Billy: Why are there so many pictures of yourself on your website? j/k :slight_smile:

Are you single? :stuck_out_tongue:


What do you use to make your amazing animations?

will you ever offer tutorials?

who/what introduced you to web design/multimedia?

What tools did you use to create your site ?

billy: Do you like oranges? If not, why not? :stuck_out_tongue:

Where do you see web design going in a few years time?

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**billy: Do you like oranges? If not, why not? :stuck_out_tongue: **

no i am not jealous those bands suck. Staind is the only good one there :!:

o’ and LP of course

Even system of a down? PM sent, keep this thread on topic!

Thanks everyone! I sent him an e-mail =)

kirupa i though billy and crew don’t like us too much?

Nonsense! Just because one member from their forums and a few members from here got in an argument doesn’t mean I must also continue with the animosity. Also, I think that member also apologized here as well, so there is no point in anybody still being upset over that.

I can’t place judgment on the whole based on the actions of a few :asian:

kirupa please dont think that i was starting ying yang, i was really just joking around, i think its a great idea to interview Billy. anyway just stating my biz.


Oh, no problem :slight_smile: I figured that others may have had the same issue, but were too disinterested to ask haha.

BTW: His interview is up for anybody interested in checking it out!

Pretty cool interview.

when you gonna interview me K-diddy?

I wonder if Billy looks like darth-vader and that is why he never shows his face.


aww. my question(s) didn’t get picked. ah well, better luck next time.

OMG kirupa actually used all my ? WOW :love:

Great job with the interview guys :slight_smile: