Awesome 3D stuff and an active community. I know a few members here are also members there and would appreciate this thread.
i’ve never been a fan of this site… =\
just tooo much flash and 3d, know what i mean?
Uh…no. There is hardly flash. The site is based on mostly 3D and his work ;).
It’s like sayin, I don’t like Kirupaforums, too much text, know what I mean?
yeah that 3d main page is GORGEOUS! Really creative navigation too - having to click on one of three people, and the intro signs for each section - really nice stuff.
whistle i’m not a member there, noooooooooo…
neither am i… (vote bussey)
I like this loading screen
Wow holy crap I’ve never seen this site before! Wow really nice 3D work!
Vote BB!
Dj-Studios // Founder
Hey what’s up with that? I made that :bad:!
Alright fine - I give you permission :pirate3:.
wtf doug… sarcasm?
Yes sarcasm.
[size=1]He’s kissing BB’s butt. Shhhh.[/size]
No, actually I don’t. Explain further please… as far as I can tell, if he used a 3D app, video app, and flash to make the site, how can it include something more? Thats like looking at a site thats made with PS and Flash and saying “just tooo much images and flash”
Amazing 3D work
yes cool but hate the loading times,