Billy Bussey

little kid voice When I grow up I wanna be just like him. :drool:

But seriously… amazing, truly amazing.

was browsing there just the other day
quite the talent indeed


very nice website, and a very nice guy -

as far as all the vote bb stuff - lol c’mon guys we all know KF wins… :wink:

well. i’ve had a lot of people who have said the same thing i stated with the first reply to this thread:

he is great at 3D, but his site isn’t THE greatest.

at least i dont feel alone :slight_smile:

yeah, it’s sort of discouraging.

sorry to bring up a 2 month old thread.

I just never saw it.

Thanks for the comments everyone :slight_smile:

Just don’t go and bring up the other threads about you :wink:

Again nice work on your site Billy.

did someone mention Kool-Aid…lol

:lol: glug glug aaaaaaaaah!

toomuch 3d into flash, [edit]none the less it looks great & who relies on simple flash anymore, not even me, aftereffects, 3d max n lot of other applications are involved…somehow i think theres toomuch of it on your site and it is’nt real flash we r seeing on there, would like to see simply flash by you :)[/edit]

i agree… also it runs slow.

runs fine here… I personally love it, I’d just wish you’d UPDATE THE DARN THING!! :stuck_out_tongue: