Enough said, go there. . . .
Nuthin there brudda
wow, that is amazing!
nice… is everyone doing 3d these days?
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Nuthin there brudda **
Sucks to be you, must be a UK thing, everyone that I have sent it to can view it. . .
i had trouble viewing it too… try refreshing the page and clicking the thing many time
Holy ****… I can’t belive that.
Wow. Totally amazing.
holy crap… thats amazing
Wow, that is awesome, but it lags my system immensly.
wow! that was well worth the wait for…i was there for ooo…maybe 6months just waiting before i lost my forum password and he wont give it back that *****…
but i would wait another year for that!
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Wow, that is awesome, but it lags my system immensly. **
I wondered about that - we all have good systems here at the office and my one at home is pretty good as well. It all worked just great here but I thought there might be some problems on a slower machine. Were the transitions choppy…? What else lagged?
Everything lagged, and it almost crashed my system.
When you click on a link on the main area and it does the transition around the ring thing, that lagged like crazy, and it didn’t even take you to the section, it took you to a “sign” of what was in the section, and in there you have to click that button to get to the transition to take you to the actual content, and that lagged.
Eventually it froze on me and I had to close out IE.
i has a similar problem, it would lag a bit for me to:(
but the site is still cool!
I have a P4 2.8 Ghz Processor and a 128MB Geforce 4 running on a duel-T1. . . .
ran smooth for me
then again i am at work. . . .
it has like mega specs, it lagged a little on my mom’s celeron 1.something gig processor
yes. . . .
3.8 mb’s not counting the after loading content … HUGE…
nice moves tho - no lag for such a fat file to me (?)… must beDa Mac… =)
…(preload to the preload to the preload - huh? I mean click here to go to where you click here to go to where you click here… oh there’s the stuff) :!:
that video is totally awesome. Although ive heard that music thousands of times. But I love the deep voice-over :flower:
very impressive.