I have spent hours trying to do this, and I am totally stuck, can anyone help me out here please.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
total = _parent.getBytesTotal();
percent -= (percent-((loading/total)*100))*.25;
per = int(percent);
_root.mcPreloader.mcStar.percentage = per+"%";
loadBar._width = per*1.78;
if (percent>99) {
this._alpha -=5;}
Basically what I have is a preloader and when it reaches 99% it fades out.
Now my problem is after the fade out I need to goto frame 3, however if i place the goto command, the fade out becomes non existant and it goes to frame 3 anyway. How can I get it to goto frame 3 after it has faded out.
Any advice urgently needed,
many thanks