Hi, so I’ve been stuck on this problem for a few days now.
Basically I have an external image, brought in through XML and loaded up with the Loader class.
I know it loads because there is another child on the stage.
_greenShape is the loader.content (the bitmap image).
This code doesn’t work:
var _newGreenBmd:BitmapData = _greenShape as BitmapData;
var _newGreen:Bitmap = new Bitmap(_newGreenBmd);
But when I bring the image into the library and reference to it through linkage, it works just fine:
var _newGreenBmd:BitmapData = new HeadShapeArea(_greenShape.width,_greenShape.height) as BitmapData;
var _newGreen:Bitmap = new Bitmap(_newGreenBmd);
Any ideas on what’s happening to the bitmap loaded externally making it act differently to one that’s linked from the library?
Thanks in advance!