BitmapData breaks when changing alpha of container Sprite


I have the following structure:


Pane is an asset in the Library, and is dynamically placed inside another Sprite. The Library asset Pane already contains the Content sprite which contains the image BitmapData.

The image is originally a 24-bit PNG, and it doesn’t seem to matter to the problem whether I use Lossless or Photo compression.

My problem is when I change the alpha on the Content Sprite in the Pane class, the alpha transparency image on turns to a solid black.

Also, not sure if this is related, two textboxes in another Pane’s Content Sprite get two horizontal white lines, above and below, them–while I am changing the alpha of the first Pane.

Anybody know how to fix this?

This is my first AS3 project, so apologisies if I missed something obvious.